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March 15, 2005

What happens to dead 24 characters?
They guest-star on Fox's new medical drama House, of course!
In February, Teri Bauer from Season 1 of 24 (Leslie Hope) appeared on House as a schizophrenic homeless woman who starts convulsing in a club (description of the show on Episode 10 page, which I cannot link to directly. Damn Flash!) Turns out: she has ovarian cancer. And is delusional. And has rabies! Her character on 24 was kidnapped, raped, nearly shot in the head many times over, then rescued, only to be shot in the gut by her husband's ex-mistress. The Fox network just cannot get enough of putting poor Leslie Hope through one horrible trial after another.
Tonight's episode features Sarah Clarke, who played everyone's favorite villainess, Nina, on Seasons 1-3 of 24. From the previews, it looks like Nina is suffering from an agonizing muscle disorder. After all, the appeal of both 24 and House is based on putting characters through seemingly endless torture and pain.
Maybe Mrs. Palmer will appear in the House season finale and withhold Dr. House's Vicodin pills while he writhes and screams and gasps for air on the floor.
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