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June 22, 2005

A Lifetime of Fame at Age 18
We don't want to go for total Lindsay Lohan overkill here, but I would like to point out the surprisingly positive review of Herbie: Fully Loaded by Stephen Holden of the NY Times.
His praise for Lindsay's talent as a movie star is especially strong: "Ms. Lohan, unlike the pallid Michelle Trachtenberg in Ice Princess, [a lesser Disney film from earlier this year] is a genuine star who combines a tomboyish spunk with a sexy, head-turning strut, executed with minimal self-consciousness. Likable but never saccharine, confident but not snooty, and endowed with the natural freckled-faced beauty of an 18-year-old Everywoman, Ms. Lohan seems completely at home on the screen."
ADM saw Lindsay's appearance on Letterman last night, and says this about it:
- Lindsay was on letterman last night. She really is on the fence between being a little girl and a dried up coke whore. It's terrible to see. The funniest moment came when, just before rolling the clip, Letterman asked her, in a joking but deadpan way, "Uh, what is Herbie loaded with?"
She hesitated for half a second and said, chipperly but somehow matter-of-factly, "Me."
It made me long for the Lindsay Lohan of old. I mean young.
She doesn't turn 19 for two more weeks, and the girl has already gone from cute child actor in TV commercials to spunky teen actress with promise to pop star to overexposed partygirl/tramp. It sucks to have your public image already worn out while still a teenager.
Celebrities, Movies, TV
posted by amy at 4:44 PM | #
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