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August 17, 2005

I Think They Call This a Vicious Circle: Continuation of the Quest for Almond Joy
Dear readers, after months of struggle, I have to admit defeat. It looks like there is just no fighting the corporate machine.
To: Hershey Consumer Relations
From: Emily
Dear Hershey representative,
In September, I contacted the Hershey company in regards to the
Limited Edition Dark Chocolate Almond Joy™. I had heard of this product from several sources, but was not able to locate it in my area (New York City). A representative told me that the limited editions are made to test new flavors of products, and may become regular offerings if there is enough interest.
Since then, I have seen several new variations on the Almond Joy, each
worse than the last! This weekend when I ran into the Key Lime and
Passionfruit Almond Joys, that was really the limit.
I understand that candy companies are investing most heavily in fruit
flavors now, but they really have no place in a chocolate candy.
I know that all ideas sent to Hershey are considered the property of
the company, and I assure you I don't want any credit for this idea.
All I want is a permanent Dark Chocolate Almond Joy. Currently, I am
forced to buy Mounds, which is a delicious candy but would be much
more so if only it had almonds! It would also be much more cost
effective for the Hershey company than developing new complicated flavors, since you already make all the components.
I have nothing but respect for Milton Hershey and his legacy. But I'm
afraid that if you continue to create new and increasingly complex
Almond Joy permutations while the needs of dark chocolate lovers go
unmet, I will have no choice but to begin writing Mars instead to
create an Almond Bounty Dark.
Thank you for your attention.
Dark Chocolate Loyalist
Click below for the official corporate response.
To: Emily
From: Hershey Consumer Relations
Thank you for contacting The Hershey Company.
Hearing consumer comments like yours is important to us. The Hershey Company has been in business for over 100 years because of consumers like you. You are one of the reasons for our continued success. We will share your comments with our Marketing Department. Visit our web site at www.hersheys.com, the sweetest place online!
It is flattering when consumers share their ideas with us. Many times, our consumers have ideas that are similar to plans which are currently under consideration within our company. Our creative departments are always working on new product concepts and ideas. Unfortunately, those ideas are never shared with us until they are announced to the public.
Your interest in our company is appreciated.
To: Hershey Consumer Relations
From: Emily
Dear Hershey representative,
I recently contacted you regarding the lack of availability of the
Dark Chocolate Almond Joy. I've been particularly disturbed by this
since I notice in addition to fruit-flavored Almond Joys, you have been launching White Chocolate editions of many of your products.
I was not going to pursue this issue further, but last night I
encountered the White Chocolate Take 5™ in my local deli. I simply don't understand. The Take 5 bar™, while brilliant in concept, is already too sweet. The logical brand extension would be a Dark Chocolate Take 5™, not white.
Why are you so against dark chocolate? I can't believe that I am the
only Hershey's consumer who feels this way. Even Mars has now
incorporated the Dark Chocolate M&M into their product offerings - and
I don't see any white chocolate M&Ms on the shelf!
In closing, I ask you to please abandon this fixation with white
chocolate, and reconsider bringing the Dark Chocolate Almond Joy back
to the consumers that love it.
Thank you for your attention.
Dark Chocolate Advocate
To: Emily
From: Hershey Consumer Relations
Thank you for contacting The Hershey Company.
I appreciate you getting back to us. The Hershey Company is trying to appeal to both the "white" and "dark" chocolate fans.
We have plans to do much more with dark chocolate in 2006. We currently have everyday items like HERSHEY'S KISSES™ Dark, Rich chocolates and HERSHEY'S NUGGETS™ dark chocolate with almonds.
Info I can share for you is that we are introducing these new products in September:
HERSHEY'S Extra Dark Chocolate
HERSHEY'S Extra Dark Chocolate with cranberries, blueberries & almonds
HERSHEY'S Extra Dark Chocolate with macadamia nuts & cranberries
Your interest in our company is appreciated.
The Hershey Company
Consumer Relations
To: Hershey Consumer Relations
From: Emily
Thank you, these sound very delicious. But what about the Dark
Chocolate Almond Joy?
To: Emily
From: Hershey Consumer Relations
Thank you for contacting The Hershey Company.
Hearing consumer comments like yours is important to us. The Hershey Company has been in business for over 100 years because of consumers like you. You are one of the reasons for our continued success. We will share your comments with our Marketing Department. Visit our web site at www.hersheys.com, the sweetest place online!
It is flattering when consumers share their ideas with us. Many times, our consumers have ideas that are similar to plans which are currently under consideration within our company. Our creative departments are always working on new product concepts and ideas. Unfortunately, those ideas are never shared with us until they are announced to the public.
Your interest in our company is appreciated.
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