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September 20, 2005

A New Day Dawns
Arrested Development is back on the air! Finally I feel like my life has some structure again. What the hell do we do all summer when there's no TV?
The show has struggled through two incredibly funny seasons with the constant threat of cancellation, because nobody's watching. Still. People: this is it. This is the season when Arrested Development needs to take off. If the show gets cancelled this year, I will hold anyone not watching it personally responsible.
Sure, it's a difficult show to get into, but last night's episode (directed by Freaks and Geeks creator Paul Feig, who directs many of the best AD episodes) had enough broad appeal and smart jokes to hopefully attract some new loyal viewers. The MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner in the Bluth Company office where the staff is celebrating being upgraded from a "Sell" rating to "Don't Buy". Tobias working at the Swallows Erotic Family Style Restaurant in Reno. Oscar's imoscar.com website--it's an actual site, and features 2 haikus and Rapists Against Violence Against Insects (RAVIOLI).
And of course my favorite, George Michael searching for an excuse for why he can't get out of the stair car after Maeby almost kisses him--he wants to stay to watch the sunset. In the side mirror. "It'll look closer!" That kid's comic genius is a gift.
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