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September 13, 2005


A Primary Day Endorsement


At the polls this morning, many of you may have faced the same problems I did in the "Democratic/Mayor" category. Ferrer is too eager to please everyone. Gifford Miller is guilty of wild fiscal mismanagement. Anthony Weiner wears a Kabbalah bracelet. Virginia Fields is reluctant to make waves. Who to vote for?

In fact, there's only one Democratic candidate who is not afraid to speak out loudly for change, to introduce controversial initiatives, and to demand more public bathrooms. One who leaves "profanity-laced messages" for Daily News reporters, and was arrested in January for harassing Mayor Bloomberg's press office.

That is why we are officially endorsing Christopher X. Brodeur for mayor. Yes, he may be overly emotional. Yes, he may need to be medicated. But only Christopher X. Brodeur embodies the total rage against inept city management that we feel a New York City mayor needs.

At a time when mayoral candidates are lucky to have ideas about one or two issues, Brodeur has proposed 100. He is ready to attack quality of life issues such as installing roof patios on all buildings (#21), making the DMV open on Saturdays (#63) and ensuring that all bathroom doors open out, and not in (#36). But he is also equally committed to larger reform, including making it illegal for politicians or the media to lie (in particular, he singles out the Village Voice for advertising sold-out shows), eliminating fiscal waste, and punishing school bullies.

Sadly, like all true idealists, even Brodeur is getting frustrated with our increasingly screwed up local government. In a recent voicemail for the Daily News, he concluded, "I'm not going to win. Thank God I'm not going to win. I don't want to clean up your city. I want to get the [expletive deleted] out of this city. I want to be free."

We can only hope that Brodeur is just voicing the same frustration we're all feeling. After all, he's been vibrating at the same fever pitch of self-righteous anger for over 10 years now. But even if he'll never be mayor, New York City needs a Christopher X. Brodeur to fight the good fight. Don't let him leave us. When you go to the polls today, vote Brodeur!

categories: NYC, Politics
posted by Emily at 11:36 AM | #

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Yay CXB! It made me so happy to see his name in the voting booth. Can't wait to see how many votes he got.

Posted by: tim at September 14, 2005 11:54 AM

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