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September 9, 2005

Bush's exaggeration of Brown's experience mirrors joke from 'The Office'
Time and the Washington Post reports 5 of 8 top FEMA officials were appointed because of political connections, not disaster experience, and that the administration's bio of Michael Brown, the head of FEMA, exaggerated his emergency management experience:
Brown's biography on the FEMA Web site said he had once served as an "assistant city manager with emergency services oversight," but Time quoted an official in Edmond, Oklahoma, as saying the job was actually "assistant to the city manager," with little responsibility. The magazine also said Brown padded his academic accomplishments.
You might recognize this distinction as the subject of a running joke on The Office, in which Ricky Gervais/Steve Carell insistently corrects the self-promotion of his assistant. Too bad Bush didn't do the same.
"The assistant is more like an intern," city spokeswoman Claudia Deakins told the magazine. "Department heads did not report to him."
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