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October 10, 2005

Courtney's arrested development
This Spin interview with Courtney Love has been around for a few days, but we couldn't help but comment on her statement about her recent and ongoing tendency to flash her tits all over the place. She says, "I'm 41, I can't show my tits onstage anymore. Me on David Letterman's desk? That's the last titty you get. The guy at Wendy's? That was the end of me and my tits."
Say it ain't so, Courtney! What does that remind you of? Maybe Arrested Development's Kitty, the erstwhile secretary of the Bluth Company, who got a weirdly misaligned boob job in Season 1 as a part of a desperate attempt to be included in a Girls With Low Self-Esteem video. Every time Kitty has appeared on the show since getting her surgery, she at some point lifts her shirt to whoever she's talking to and says, "Say goodbye to these, because it's the last time!," flashing her pixelated rack to the camera.
I can only assume we haven't seen the last of Courtney either.
Celebrities, TV
posted by amy at 5:48 PM | #
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