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October 17, 2005

Ideas for future CBS News Film Festival
With the recent release of Good Night, and Good Luck, George Clooney's study of Edward R. Murrow and his role in exposing the McCarthy hearings for the un-American activities that they were, I would like to offer some ideas for a future CBS News festival of film, titled something like "The Embattled Newsroom: CBS News and the Fight for Truth."
The Insider. CBS News producer Lowell Bergman gets insider Jeffrey Wigand to tell all on "60 Minutes"!
What's the Frequency, Kenneth? CBS News anchor Dan Rather cultivates reputation of being sort of insane, then in his final year, blows it on a stupid forged document about Bush's Air National Guard service record!
Actually that last Dan Rather biopic hasn't been made yet, but we're sure it's coming.
Media, Movies, Politics
posted by amy at 3:25 PM | #
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