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December 19, 2005

Cheney in Afghanistan: a photo op and a cloud of dust
Yesterday in Afghanistan, a newly elected parliament was inaugurated. For this historic milestone in democracy, Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne attended the parliamentary session to show America's support for the country.
"Once again, in free elections, the Afghan people have shown the world their determination to chart their own destiny," he said.
From the Washington Post: "Because of the security threat, Cheney and his wife, Lynne, arrived at the ceremony by helicopter. When the chopper landed, it kicked up a massive dust-cloud that turned the air brown and sent a group of children who had gathered to greet the vice president into a spasm of coughs."
There are also a few concerns about how much of a hand violence, threats, and bribes played in charting the destiny of the newly democratic Afghanistan. AP notes: "About half [parliament's] 249 members are regional warlords, some are Westernized refugees and others are illiterate."
Politics, War and Security
posted by amy at 2:27 PM | #
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