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December 15, 2005

Who's Older?™: Aging gay British stars
We'll always have a soft spot in our hearts for George Michael, and will play "Fastlove" and select Wham! tunes at parties from time to time, but we can't necessarily say that he's the most relevant aging star these days. He may be headed for some minor comeback in the form of a documentary movie about his life and career called George Michael: A Different Story. And his plans to attend Elton John's wedding ceremony next week apparently make the news.
Rupert Everett has never dropped off the radar entirely, though these days instead of starring in irrelevant period movies like The Importance of Being Earnest and The Ideal Husband, he's doing voiceovers in animated movies like Shrek 2 and Narnia. He's good in those Oscar Wilde costume piece remakes, and has excellent eyebrows, but we'll never forgive him for urging Madonna to record that wretched "American Pie" cover.
We're leaning heavily toward George Michael as the more appealing star, but that doesn't matter. All that matters right now is which one of them is older.
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Celebrities, Movies, Music, Who's Older?
posted by amy at 2:51 PM | #
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