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March 14, 2006

Spam, direct from Winesburg, Ohio
Not sure if anyone else has documented this yet, but apparently some spammers are big fans of Sherwood Anderson.
We received the following email from someone using the nom de spam "Nysse Sterne":
--- Nyssa Sternewrote: > Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 17:12:05 -0800 (PST) > From: Nyssa Sterne > Subject: Re: Your wife. > To: [redacted] > > Multiple orgasms - Cum again and again! > Have you ever wanted to impress your girl with a > huge cumshot? > Its easy, just follow here > > stock, the respect of Colonel Tom Rainey and the > directors, the fear of > for days stayed in Sam's mind as a kind of > realisation of the part he > mother and boy had stayed with the girl, out of > sight in the house, sick
Can you guess which part the spammers wrote, and which part is mangled Sherwood Anderson? I wish I could say I immediately recognized the Anderson passages, but instead I had to rely on my old literary assistant Google (just like when I was teaching and had to show disappointed mothers that their 14-year-olds didn't really write that precocious analysis of Waiting for the Rain). Turns out these literary fragments are taken from various chapters of Anderson's first novel, Windy McPherson's Son.
This makes sense: the erotic promise of multiple orgasms followed by a quick taste of one of America's finest short story writers is the perfect combination of the hard and soft sell. If the spammers keep this up and vary the authors a little bit, I might be able to make it through Light in August after all.
And that might be even more impressive than a huge cum shot.
Books, Technology
posted by adm at 12:49 AM | #
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