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March 6, 2006

Who'Dat?™: Crazy old guy edition
Along with last night's Academy Awards comes a lot of big parties attended by all kinds of celebrities with varying cultural relevance, surgical enhancement, and visible indicators of drug abuse.
See if you can guess who this tragic-looking figure arriving at Elton John's party is, then click on the picture to see if you are right.
Don't do drugs, kids!
Here's a picture of this guy performing in June 2004--a year and a half ago. He was no spring chicken then, either, but doesn't look like a homeless person. Last December, he and his wife finally started divorce proceedings after being separated for the last 4 years or so. Maybe he's not taking it too well.
Celebrities, Who'Dat?
posted by amy at 11:43 AM | #
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This is what life married to Valerie Bertinelli can lead to?
No, poor girl, I am sure she did everything she could to prevent this. After all she didn't even file for divorce until December 5, 2005.
Posted by: The Peter Files Blog of Comedy at March 17, 2006 6:27 AM
» great blog from great blog
Tracked on December 31, 2006 1:47 PM