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April 23, 2006

Introducing RummyPool™: When Will Rumsfeld Resign or Get Fired?
Let's take a look at the accomplishments of "the best Secretary of Defense the United States has ever had", Donald Rumseld, and then guess when -- despite these achievements -- he'll get fired or "resign":
- Let Osama get away. (Remember him?)
- Got illegal war off on the wrong foot with "decapitation strike" which only served to decapitate a restaurant and middle management.
- "Democracy is untidy" remark opened the door to looting, and ultimately chaos, while he looked on bemusedly and did nothing.
- Has failed to secure the road to the airport in three years.
- Has failed to secure Baghdad in three years.
- Has failed to secure anything except death in three years.
- Management style alienated military leadership, whom he either ignored or intimidated.
- Has resisted calls for resignation with folksy manner that started wearing thin around the time his boss declared Mission Accomplished.
I could go on, but let's skip to the fun part!
RummyPool™: When Will Rumsfeld Resign or Get Fired?
Whoever guesses the closest date (without going over) will win a prize from Amy's Robot. The winner will be announced when the winner is known.
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