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April 4, 2006


Who's Older?™: Over-exposure edition

Today's edition of Who's Older?™ examines a recent trend of mature actors demonstrating their sexual vigor and enduring relevance by starring in productions that require them to nakedly engage in all kinds of freaky sex. I'm talking here about Sharon Stone, star of the overhyped, underanticipated Basic Instinct 2, and Bill Paxton, star of HBO's new series about polygamy and its discontents, "Big Love".

Not many critics had kind words for Basic Instinct 2. However, I would like to point out that Roger Ebert is pretty enthusiastic about the movie's over-the-top camp, and says he can't tear his eyes away from Sharon Stone. And MTV's Kurt Loder flat out adores her and the movie both: "It's Sharon Stone, an even lustier sex shark than she was 14 years ago, who dominates the film with flamboyant abandon. Actually, she's completely shameless in what appears to be a headlong yen for a late-in-the-day career boost. Nevertheless, there's no denying how good she still is at being really, really bad."

Of course Sharon Stone gets naked in the movie too, much like the cast of "Big Love". Or, as Emily has called it, "The Bill Paxton Ass Show", a more accurate description of its visual content. Yes, Bill Paxton's character has three wives, which means tons of shots of a naked flabby old dude thrashing around with three of the most valiant young actresses working in television today.

So regardless of which actor's unclothed body you are personally the least averse to seeing, you must now test your knowledge of their respective ages. Or at least judge how successfully they have preserved themselves.

[this quiz is disabled]

categories: Celebrities, Movies, TV, Who's Older?
posted by amy at 10:18 PM | #

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» great blog from great blog

Tracked on December 24, 2006 11:14 PM


I think all this hype about the over 40's who "still look great" (and by extension, all the over 40's that look like hell), is hilarious.

I'm very lucky to look younger than my age (41), very lucky indeed because I'd never get the modelling jobs I get if anyone knew my age beforehand.

But I think most people are feeling huge pressure to look fucking fantastic till they're 70 now! People are killing themselves to look better than they did when they were young!

I know quite a few older people, and I mean OLDER, like over 50 and 60, that DON'T look like Sharon Stone, aren't rich, DO look their age, were dumped by their hubbies, and still have young lovers ... It's not all about youth.

There's hope (or love, or just sex) for everyone! That's the positive thought of the day!

Posted by: newyorkette at April 5, 2006 1:03 PM

Although in defense of Bill Paxton's ass, I must say it looks pretty good for 41.

Posted by: Emily at April 5, 2006 1:17 PM

to Emily:
"...looks pretty good for 41." He's actually almost FIFTY one years old (in May)... 2006-1955=51 ;)

Posted by: Kevin Worthington at April 5, 2006 2:27 PM

Yeah, I wasn't hired for my math skills.

Posted by: Emily at April 5, 2006 2:41 PM

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