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August 28, 2006

Plan B ad campaign
Last week the FDA announced that Plan B emergency contraceptive will now be available over the counter to women 18 and over. Great news!
However, I was surprised to learn that Barr, the company that produces the drug, doesn't expect to turn much of a profit on Plan B sales, which it expects will be around $60 million per year after it goes OTC.
In an effort to make Plan B as lucative as possible for Barr, I've designed an ad to promote the benefits of Plan B. If Barr is really going to rake in the cash with this product, they've got to target those people who engage in less than 100% responsible sex. So for everyone who likes to just jump right in and keep their fingers crossed: Plan B is for you!
[Thanks Cushie]
Business, Health, Politics, Sex
posted by amy at 3:24 PM | #
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