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September 12, 2006

New York Primary Election: 100% lovable loser ticket
Today is primary day in New York, and the big races are so completely dominated by one candidate that the papers may as well just run their election coverage stories right now.
For Senate: Hillary Clinton is so busy running to the center in preparation for 2008 that she's starting to piss off a lot of New York liberals who don't like her blatant pandering to middle America, and are still mad that she voted for the war. And really, what is so great about Hillary? Especially when there's a candidate like Jonathan Tasini, who wants out of the war, wants to give Medicare to everyone, allow all workers to join unions and get pensions, and make civil and marriage rights universal. He made a helpful PDF of where he and Hillary stand on the main issues. Poll shows him at 9%.
For Governor: Eliot Spitzer, world famous Attorney General, is the leading Democrat. Tom Suozzi is the energetic underdog, recently featured on Gawker, who offer their best wishes: "May you lose by less than 40 points." (disclosure: Suozzi is related to one of us.) The latest poll shows Suozzi has support from 12% of voters.
Then there's whoever's going to replace Eliot Spitzer as Attorney General. Andrew Cuomo has the party endorsement and is in the lead, though the New York Times and the Daily News both endorsed Mark Green, who has emerged after losing the mayoral election to Bloomberg in 2001. There's also Sean Patrick Maloney, the true underdog in this race, whose big issues are human rights protection, cleaning up the corrupt state government, and making gay marriage legal. Latest poll puts him at 7%.
Since the real election on November 7 is pretty much going to be a formality this year, today is the real decider. We love an underdog, and urge you to get out there and make your contribute to some solid single digit election results. [tx Cushie for the headline]
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