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November 21, 2006

Video: Michael Richards ("Kramer") Apologizes for Racist Tirade +
Michael Richards appeared by satellite on Letterman last night during a segment with Jerry Seinfeld. He made an extended, awkward apology for his racist tirade, and it was clear that he was pretty shattered. Painful to watch, especially in the beginning with people laughing (Seinfeld asks them to stop, but it doesn't work). He uses the phrase "Afro-American" twice, says he isn't racist (ok, Mel) and tries, unsuccessfully, to make it about larger issues (racism in general, Katrina fallout, even the war in Iraq), but it's still obvious he feels like an idiot. Says he isn't sure Letterman was the best forum for his apology...that is certainly true.
We uploaded it to YouTube, but no doubt the copyright cops will get it removed shortly: Update: Yep, they pulled it! See the link below to download it...
You can still download it from our server, though. (Right-click the link and choose "Save As...") (Video is iPod/iTunes/everything-compatible MPEG4.)
posted by adm at 12:14 AM | #
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