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March 2, 2007

This week's new movies
Some great-looking movies coming out today. Here's what the critics have to say.
First up is Zodiac [official site], the first David Fincher-directed movie since Panic Room. Even though this movie is over two and a half hours long, and Fincher is completely up his own ass about it and his inability to cut anything without sacrificing his artistic vision, and Jake Gyllenhaal is talking about how working on his movie helped him develop "respect for my craft", it's still going to be amazing. Why? I'll tell you why. The always Ruffalicious MARK RUFFALO, that's why. Nobody can play a sort of sleazeball detective like that guy can (as he did in the otherwise not great In the Cut). Check out the shoulder-holster-cigarette-sideburns action above. Rawrr!
Manohla Dargis at the Times loved it:
Stephen Hunter at the Washington Post, not so much. Too talky:
Next is Blake Snake Moan [official site]. Or, as A.O. Scott calls it in his review, Chaining Miss Daisy to the Radiator in Her Underwear. He doesn't love the movie, but is crazy about the soundtrack:
And Roger Ebert says:
Yes, that Road House. I have no idea what he's talking about here, but when Roger Ebert says "you have never seen a movie like this before" and then evokes Road House, it's like I have been personally dared to just try to resist seeing this movie.
While Wild Hogs is not the greatest movie to be released today, and I can hardly believe it was screened for critics at all, the hilarious A.O. Scott review is reason enough to be thankful that this movie got made. After describing how emphatically the movie makes sure we all realize that the four mid-life crisis guys on their bike trip are definitely not gay, he writes:
[tx Trashrock]
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