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June 29, 2007


Joan Jett kicks ass

Joan Jett at River Rocks

[photo by classicgrrrl79]

Last night Joan Jett & the Blackhearts played River Rocks at Pier 54. Joan was as wiry and fiesty as ever, wearing a black vinyl top that probably would have fit her in 1980 when her first solo album came out.

And of course, they rocked. In addition to a handful of songs from her new album, Sinner, the band played literally every single Joan Jett & the Blackhearts song I have ever heard. Hearing all their hits together like that, I realized how many of their biggest songs were actually covers: "I Love Rock 'n Roll" (The Arrows), "Do You Wanna Touch Me" (Gary Glitter), "Light of Day" (Bruce Springsteen), "Crimson and Clover" (Tommy James).

But one of her best songs, "Bad Reputation", is one that she wrote. Though it was actually never released as a single, I suspect that "Bad Reputation" has had somewhat of a resurgence in popular culture recently because it's the track used in the opening credits of "Freaks and Geeks", the beloved but short-lived TV show from the '90's that I also bet has enjoyed newfound popularity because of the wild success of The 40 Year Old Virgin and more recently Knocked Up, which were created by the almost all the same people that did the TV show. I couldn't help thinking that the biggest reason that Joan Jett played "Bad Reputation" as the very first song of her set last night was, weirdly enough, Judd Apatow.

"Bad Reputation" was also used in a promo for TLC's "American Chopper" earlier this year.

categories: Movies, Music, NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot, TV
posted by amy at 9:59 AM | #

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i found your blog by googling for "Blade the gay vampire" (don't ask... well, okay it was someone on the boards i frequent whose vehement defense of the Blade movies made me laugh and I enjoyed winding him up, even though i like the first two myself).

glad i did, good stuff. did you read the email exchange between Apatow and thhe creator of That 70s Show from a few years back? hilarious, you should seek it out.

all the best

Posted by: kale at July 1, 2007 7:41 AM

That exchange between Judd Apatow and Mark Brazill (creator of That 70's Show) is here: http://www.harpers.org/archive/2002/03/0079095.

Yeah, it's insane.

Posted by: amy at July 9, 2007 10:10 AM

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