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August 16, 2007

Jim Naugle: scandal waiting to happen
If there's one thing that messy outings of conservative male political figures has taught us these past few years, it's that once you start going public with your promotion of anti-gay legislation and your personal views that homosexuality is a sin, your chances of being found to have had illicit/illegal sexual relationships with anonymous men, male hookers, or teenage boys go through the roof.
Jim Naugle is the mayor of Fort Lauderdale, the city with the highest concentration of same-sex couple households on the east coast. He's been quoted that he does not support gay rights, that homosexuality is a sin, and that ACLU stands for "Atheists and Criminal Lobbying Union". He also describes himself as being "extremely" conservative, though he is a Democrat.
Now he's in a fight with the local gay community over the issue of bathrooms at the beach--he wants to install single-occupancy bathrooms to deter "homosexual activity." When asked to apologize for making such an insulting statement, he agreed... then apologized to the families of Fort Lauderdale for not realizing "how serious the problem was of the sexual activity that’s taking place in bathrooms and public places and parks."
A grand total of 4 people have been arrested since 2005 for having sex in public bathrooms in Fort Lauderdale, and he's talking about a "serious problem" that compels him to be "concerned about protection of parks for our kids and saving lives."
Reading the Times coverage of Mayor Naugle and his bigotry, it's almost like the media is setting this guy up for some former Boy Scout to come forward and tell the world about his scandalous, possibly criminal, secret life. Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, former Washington state senator Jim West, even poor old Jim McGreevey--having such an anti-gay agenda just makes readers wonder exactly who's been spending so much time in those beach bathrooms.
Have you seen that clip of Ted Haggard telling his congregation about the Bible telling us not to be gay? [video]
Crime, Politics, Sex
posted by amy at 4:55 PM | #
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I hear the Craig family is on vacation at the moment; hopefully a family-oriented city like Ft Lauderdale, with its friendly beach bathrooms, has welcomed them with open stalls.
Posted by: amy at August 31, 2007 9:20 AM
Thank you Mayor Naugle for trying to keep Ft Laud family friendly. We dont need their tourism dollars, we need to take back our cities.
Posted by: Naugle for Pres at August 30, 2007 9:20 PM