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March 27, 2002

Tuesday's TV; Wednesday's ecstatic blogging.
Tuesday's TV; Wednesday's ecstatic blogging. Since 24 has already jumped the shark, why not include bloody stabbing scenes? Why not introduce random characters like the poor man's Courtney Love? [actually, Courtney Love herself has kind of become the poor man's Courtney Love lately.] It may not be good art, but it's all good television.
And The Osbournes. They are so magnificent. In combatting their new horrific neighbors, who actually sit in their garden late at night and loudly sing "My Girl" and "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands" with acoustic guitars, Sharon and Ozzy throw a bagel, a rotten ham, cat droppings, and a log at their house.
posted by amy at 10:12 AM | #