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March 28, 2002

Watched: Well, frickin Disney pulled
Watched: Well, frickin Disney pulled The Job so they could show a new show instead, which left me high and dry. But, Greg the Bunny was premiering on Fox, so I figured I'd check that out. Roger Rabbit, except with puppets, is the premise, according to Seth Green. My verdict on the first 8 minutes of Greg the Bunny: not funny. Amy watched all 23 minutes and thought it was funny, though, so maybe she'll comment on it later. The jokes I saw were sophomoric. Jokes about puppets drinking too much and doing drugs are only funny once, and that once was like 10 years ago. The idea for the show is good, though, so maybe it'll get better.
Oh yeah, we had a bomb threat at work today.
posted by adm at 11:18 AM | #