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April 11, 2002

ABC is finally doing something
ABC is finally doing something right. Not only have they brought back The Job from the dead, but they are going to be showing two back-to-back episodes every Wednesday at 9, well, I guess until they just show all of 'em. This week's glorious return did not feature any examples of Denis Leary's character's open alcohol and drug abuse, but did include speculations about the sexual prowess of women of different races that was pretty much bald-faced racism, and made suggestions about a couple incorporating a sock puppet into their amorous encounters.
For The Job fans in New York, Denis Leary and co-producer Peter Tolan, and some other cast members, are going to be at the Museum of Television and Radio giving a 'seminar' about the show on Wednesday. I bet it will be hilarious.
posted by amy at 3:24 PM | #