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April 11, 2002

Regarding Amy's earlier post (below)
Regarding Amy's earlier post (below) about Coincidence Design:
v funny. seems like a joke:
- the registrant of the domain name claims to be in dallas, texas. the site says they are based in chicago.
- the answer to the FAQ about "i am a woman" is too cheeky to be real, no?
- they registered their domain name through dotster.com which is not one of the 2 main domain name registries, which indicates an abnormal computer geekiness that i find inconsistent with the someone who would actually implement
a business such as this.
the domain name is registered to jason bourne.
jason bourne is the lead character in The Bourne Identity, which is that new movie with Matt Damon.
This seems to be another one of those media virus-type marketing campaigns launched by a movie studio, a la the one for Spielberg's AI.
i just looked up some details here. I didn't finish reading it, but it seems to support the idea of it as a hoax.
amy and adm: network detectives
ps. amy expresses relief that this is a hoax.
Update: This is indeed a hoax, but apparently it's not connected to the movie, I learned from this very, very detailed article.
posted by adm at 3:54 PM | #