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April 3, 2002

Here is the only way
Here is the only way that 24 can redeem itself, after last night's atrocities:
--Dan's idiot drug dealer brother shoots Kim, Teenage Boyfriend, and himself,
--Teri meets the bitchy but totally cool one-shoulder-top wearing Rick's Girlfriend, falls in love with her, and they move together to Las Vegas where Teri becomes a showgirl in the Siegfried and Roy white tigers show,
--The entire Palmer family is viciously stabbed with a letter opener by Slut Aide girl,
--Jack and Nina ditch everybody and travel to Puerto Vallarta, where they live in sin together with the ghost of HardBoiled WhiteGuy who bit it after less than one episode, and was the best thing about this show, and
--Mia Kirshner comes back on the show and kills Kim Bauer again, then joins the cast of Smallville.
Huge shout-out to Mighty Big TV (or "Television Without Pity" as they call themselves now) who were smart enough to call the Use Slut Aide Girl As Bait For Serbian Assassin plan "Operation Vagina". The first paragraph of this recap of last week's episode is the funniest thing I have read online perhaps ever.
posted by amy at 1:39 PM | #