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April 3, 2002

Watched: Ok, so don't forget
Watched: Ok, so don't forget that Andy Richter's new show is still on, right after That Seventies Show and right before 24. Now, the show has gone like this: first episode, sort of funny; second episode, very funny; last night's episode: sort of funny, sort of weird. It was about how Andy goes out on a date with the prettiest girl from high school. Unbelievably, they end up dating. But, then -- and here's where it gets a little weird -- she says some anti-semitic stuff. So the plot of the show is: Andy has to decide whether to continue dating this girl even though she's anti-semitic. Isn't that a weird plot for a half-hour sitcom?
The style of the show was interesting -- little fantasy sequences, dramatic re-enactments of his brain and sex drive fighting it out, etc., but it left me with a kind of hollow feeling. I guess it was bold for them to explore the territory, but I don't know -- won't most normal, moral people not date people who have repugnant ideas, no matter how hot they are? In a way, the show was a take on Seinfeld, where Jerry always meets the perfect girl except she turns out to be a close talker or a quiet talker or she sits around naked too much or whatever. I guess the show's writers wanted to see how that formula works when the flaw of the girl is offensive, versus merely annoying. Well now we know. Here's my advice guys: next time make it about how she sits around naked all the time.
posted by adm at 2:22 PM | #