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April 24, 2002

I watched this fantastic Women
I watched this fantastic Women In Prison movie last night on Fox, called 24. In it, this really irritating teenage girl was in a holding cell in an L.A. jail with lots and lots of other young, thin, attractive, and non-urine-stained women who all looked like they shop at Urban Outfitters. You know, like in every L.A. jail's holding cell. Then some fights broke out, there was a even one girl on top on another girl, and she ripped her shirt right open! Those women in prison sure are lusty. The teenage boyfriend in the movie was in a separate holding cell, where presumably all the young, attractive men in prison who shop at Abercrombie & Fitch go.
Then I switched over to the "descriptive TV" version of the show, as described below by ADM. Hey, I have cable. So at the end of the show when the irritating teenage girl gets kidnapped.... AGAIN... ( I can hardly go on ), here's what the descriptor said to me:
Describer: The police car Kim is riding in smashes into a van containing Serbain kidnappers.
Kim Bauer: "No! No!"
Describer: [yaaaawwwn] Hey, is there any more ice cream in the freezer?
I also wonder what my own hometown poet Charles Simic thinks of all this bad TV characterization his countrymen are getting.
posted by amy at 1:00 PM | #