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May 22, 2002

Well, Fox has given us
Well, Fox has given us our lives back by temporarily releasing us from the cycle of cruelty, betrayal, psychic belt-whipping, and the subsequent honeymoon makeup phase that is 24. Until next season, when it all starts again.
This season finale episode was exactly the kind of emotional crack I need to ensure that I'd be right back with them when next season starts. It was fantastic. Kiefer pulling out the double-fisted guns, pointing them straight at Dennis Hopper's Evil Balkan heart, considering letting him go for a moment, and then pumping 300 bullets into him as he fell into the harbor... ah, it was beautiful. The surprise tragic ending (I WAS SHOCKED) really pulled the rug out from under the viewing audience. We're such fools. We eat it up.
Can't wait to see Blood Thirsty Kiefer out for revenge next season.
posted by amy at 2:48 PM | #