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June 5, 2002

Footballer histrionics are finally being
Footballer histrionics are finally being penalized: Rivaldo, the Brazilian player, was fined about $7,000 for faking a foul injury during the controversial Brazil v. Turkey match on Monday. Brazil are the Big Football Team who often win and everything, and the ref made some highly doubtful calls in Brazil's favor, including sending two Turkish players off the field, one of them for committing the pretend foul against Rivaldo.
Amy will be on hiatus from Amy's Robot for a time, while she basks in the Mediterranean heaven of the Italian Riviera and watches Argentina trounce England on Friday. Well Ok actually, given that the USA beat Portugal this morning, scoring three times as many goals as they did in the entire last World Cup, I guess anything is possible.
posted by amy at 11:05 AM | #