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June 4, 2002

OK ADM, I'll take the
OK ADM, I'll take the bait.
Yes, Stuff magazine is full of brilliance and wit. It has a level of self-awareness and irony that is completely lacking in both FHM and Maxim, and somehow manages to encourage the self-deprecating image that most of its readers seem to have (all those "I am such an idiot!! stories from readers) but in a friendly, nice way. The Me-WOW feature in this month's issue, for example, about obese cats, really demonstrates that the editors of Stuff and I are like peas in a pod.
And about The Osbournes, which ADM has been waiting for me to say something about all month. Apart from the occassional bit of Ozzy genius and accidental physical comedy (halfway down the first paragraph, Heee!), it will bite. I just hope they have as ever-present a camera crew and as savvy an editor as they did this season, otherwise it's gonna be week after week of Jack and Kelly hamming for the camera and wallowing in their new-found unfunny fame.
posted by amy at 3:49 PM | #