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December 30, 2002

Catch Me If You Can.
Catch Me If You Can. Wow, Spielberg made a movie that isn't hopelessly maudlin and manipulative. Sure, there's a potent dose of schmaltz, but not so much as to be overwhelming. Leonardo is charming, but Christopher Walken steals the show while Tom Hanks muddles his Boston accent throughout. The story draws some of the usual parallels between the hunter and the hunted, but it works and establishes character and motivation. Spielberg was wearing his rose-colored glasses, apparently, as the movie makes no mention of anyone who was hurt by Abagnale's fraudulent ways -- it even leaves out the devastation likely experienced by his main love interest. Still, a light touch (for Spielberg) in this one -- simple structure, simple plot, and just some straightforward story-telling.
posted by adm at 1:34 AM | #