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May 4, 2003

Cirque du Soleil
NYT has an interesting, though not particularly well-written freelance review of Cirque du Soleil, which is out on Randalls Island right now (in the blue and yellow tent that you see if you drive by on the FDR). The review is sort of filtered through the eyes of Professor Ame Wilson, who went undercover to write her dissertation on the Cirque du Soleil. She says it's like the Cirque is on acid this time around (I thought that was the point) and it's like "the apocalypse has come to New York".
There is a strange line in the article where the author writes "Dr. Wilson turned out to be a leggy beauty with a cloud of blond hair and a brand-new belly-button piercing..." I have no idea what this line is doing in a theater review. Anyway, maybe the slideshow of the show makes up for it.
I just have a couple of things to say.
First Dr. Wilson was in fact the American authority on Cirque and what she said to the Times was indeed accurate.
I was a close friend to Dr. Wilson and her Graduate assistant at the time of the article.
If you doubt her credentials read her dissertation.
Ame was a beautiful women and the fact that the reporter pointed this out was not her fault.
A side note, Dr. Wilson passed away after Christmas.
Posted by: Darlene Grummel at January 31, 2004 8:10 PM