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May 4, 2003

LA Times has a couple
LA Times has a couple of interesting articles about trends in this summer's crop of superhero movies. This one discusses how the movies aren't entireley escapist, since they contains scenes and ideas very similar to what's going on in the world right now, and this one is Ang Lee talking about The Hulk. Along the way, someone points out that Rambo III ends with a dedication to the Taliban, and Lee half-jokingly describes his movie as "Sense and Sensibility with a green monster."
Strangely, Apple has a page up about X2's screenwriters, neither of whom have had a feature film produced before. One is 28, the other 23. Apple's article, which reads like a magazine piece (and at one point posits that mutants are sort of similar to Mac users) is the most detailed account I've scene of the creative process behind X2.
See below for our coverage of the final product.
posted by adm at 2:40 PM | #