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May 10, 2003

Interesting angle in the Case
Interesting angle in the Case Western shooting: the layout of the twisted-up Frank Gehry-designed building hindered cops' ability to confront the suspect:
The distinctive structure of the Frank Gehry-designed Case Western business school building, with hallways that dip and swerve, complicated the job for police. "As the SWAT team entered the building, they were constantly under fire," Lohn said. "They couldn't return fire because of the design of the building. They didn't have a clear shot." Lohn said a SWAT team engaged in "firefights" throughout the building with Halder and finally cornered him in a room.
The NYT has more on this theme.
Don't forget that this isn't the first time the building has been the subject of some controversy: After a flap over the building's cost last year, the major funder (Peter B. Lewis) said Case Western is "a diseased university that is collapsing and sucking Cleveland into a hole with it." He followed this up by refusing to contribute to any Cleveland charities until the board of CWU resigned.
posted by adm at 4:35 PM | #