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June 10, 2003

A few years ago, a
A few years ago, a friend of mine moved into a new apartment in Madison, Wisconsin. After a few months, she told me she thought the teenagers living upstairs from her were dealing pot. She said they were cute kids and she wasn't going to worry about it, but I wondered whether it was safe, since, you know, everything has consequences. Anyway, several months later, she was sleeping and was woken up by a commotion upstairs -- lots of banging and shouting. When the police showed up, they interviewed her and asked whether there was a lot of "traffic" going on upstairs. She said yeah. Well, it turns out that the teenage pot-dealing hippie kids had been home-invaded by some shotgun-wielding thugs in search of their cash and weed.
Now, the CS Monitor reports on marijuana-related drug cartel activity in US National Parks, and the heavily armed forest rangers who track it. Eye-opening. [tx bar].
So it's looking more and more like the marijuana trade isn't just about people being cool to each other. You've got machine-gun toting growers inhabiting our national parks, and yesterday, in Queens, you've got a triple homicide (in which a 10-year-old boy lost his parents and aunt) that police are saying is tied to the pot trade. Everything has consequences.
posted by adm at 2:23 AM | #