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July 16, 2003

Ebert's Movie Answer Man column
Ebert's Movie Answer Man column documents an increasing problem at the movies, which is beginning to lead to violence among theater-goers:
Q. Is there a term for the inconsiderate filmgoers who rush to leave as soon as the credits roll, but then STOP AND BLOCK YOUR VIEW so they can stand and gawk at the surprise outtakes? This situation almost caused a fight at a recent showing of "Bruce Almighty." As soon as the credits started, 60-70 percent of the crowd immediately jumped out of their seats to leave. But the outtakes started playing, and these same people, who were in such a hurry, suddenly stopped in their tracks, gawked up at the screen and completely blocked the view of those of us who had decided to stay. Seated patrons asked the gawkers to please sit back down, only to be met by hostile shouts of, "Oh, be quiet. The movie's over. Why don't YOU stand up?" Were we seated moviegoers within in our rights to ask them to sit down or walk out?I think this boils down to a class-battle between movie devotees who always stay and watch the credits, outtakes or not, and The Great Unwashed, who open candy wrappers, talk on cellphones, and start putting on their jackets during denoument. Can the two peacefully co-exist?
posted by adm at 12:10 PM | #
Almost three-fourths of the survey respondents (71 percent) said they sometimes or always stay and watch the credits after a movie.
A film, however, is something akin to a band with hundreds of band members, almost all of whom play a different instrument and contribute their own talents and input. There are directors, producers, screenwriters, cinematographers, and literally hundreds more, as you see if you stay and watch the credits at the end of a film. I'm one of those people who like to watch the credits.
I would love to stay and watch the credits for TT (I did once, with FOTR) but I always feel embarrassed at being the only one sitting there - you feel like the people operating the machinery (or whatever :D ) in the cinema are watching you!
What really made me laugh was, the first showing of TTT that I saw. The couple next to us who talked and laughed through the whole film - they bloody well sat there and watched the credits go up when everyone else was leaving! :mad: :confused:
Clearly many people have been touched and moved by this film. If you have been moved and wish to show a gesture of gratitude stay and watch the credits. Listen to the music and see who it was that moved you.
In short, this movie is great. It is a real treat for everyone, so youd better hurry up and watch it. And by the way, stay and watch the credits at the end of the show. Anyone with a memory better than Dorys will definitely recognize something, or someone!
I・m a big old dork, but I always stay and watch the credits of movies. I・m usually all by myself in the theatre, but it・s just something I do!
Ebert's Movie Answer Man column documents an increasing problem at the movies, which is beginning to lead to violence among theater-goers:
Q. Is there a term for the inconsiderate filmgoers who rush to leave as soon as the credits roll, but then STOP AND BLOCK YOUR VIEW so they can stand and gawk at the surprise outtakes? This situation almost caused a fight at a recent showing of "Bruce Almighty." As soon as the credits started, 60-70 percent of the crowd immediately jumped out of their seats to leave. But the outtakes started playing, and these same people, who were in such a hurry, suddenly stopped in their tracks, gawked up at the screen and completely blocked the view of those of us who had decided to stay. Seated patrons asked the gawkers to please sit back down, only to be met by hostile shouts of, "Oh, be quiet. The movie's over. Why don't YOU stand up?" Were we seated moviegoers within in our rights to ask them to sit down or walk out?
I think this boils down to a class-battle between movie devotees who always stay and watch the credits, outtakes or not, and The Great Unwashed, who open candy wrappers, talk on cellphones, and start putting on their jackets during denoument. Can the two peacefully co-exist?
Posted by: dan bloom at July 29, 2004 7:11 AM