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July 3, 2003


The author of Fast Food

The author of Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser, takes on porn and pot in his new book. The book is based on several magazine pieces he's done. Nerve.com has an interview, but I'm linking to the Alter.net version so you can read it at work without getting fired. Plus, the girls in the personals are much less slutty at alter.net.

(But 'slutty' might be ok for Schlosser, who contends that ex-porn queen Nina Hartley is notable for her "formidable mind.")

ps. I'm sick of all these slightly-on-the-edge mainstream writers who keep investigating porn like there's some unknown truth to be uncovered. To wit: Frank Rich (in the NYT magazine), and Sally Teasdale (in Harper's several years ago).

posted by adm at 11:22 AM | #


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