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August 27, 2003

A Comparative Review of Thirteen
A Comparative Review of Thirteen and Freaky Friday

Having seen them both, I can tell you that being a teenaged girl is a lot easier than being an old man like me, but it doesn't seem like it at the time. This is because -- if these movies are to be believed -- teenaged girls want two things very badly, and these things are hard to obtain: acceptance and understanding.
Read the rest of my not-very-lively, but quite thorough comparative review of Thirteen and Freaky Friday. The basic point of it is that Annabell in FF seeks understanding, and Tracy in 13 seeks acceptance. Maybe A. will have more to say about Thirteen later on.
posted by adm at 5:56 AM | #
hi im from VIETNAM,Asia
im 14 right now and in the 8th gade
we only have one more month till skools out
i luv the movie 13 it is the best damn movie i had ever seen i kinda like freaky friday but not that much its alright for like a mother daughter girl hanging out time
well neways a little about me
thing i luv to do is party w/ friends
and luv talking to random guys espsially sexy ones.
well thats all for now
bu bi _ cam april 19, 2005
Posted by: CaM at April 19, 2005 10:39 PM
13 and freaky friday are definitly great movies. 13 is a very realistic perspective on a young teenagers life in the U.S. now adays. Im a 14 year old girl myself and my town and ones surronding me are full of girls just like evie and tracy .. longing for acceptence.
Posted by: brittany at May 7, 2005 12:22 AM
hi! i'm from belgium.
13 en ff are my 2 most favourite movies!
i just love them. maybe because i'm
15, a very young girl myself.
But i think the films are overacted.
i don't really want all those things in real live.
i like the movies because there are some good actors in it.
sorry for the bad inglish :$
Posted by: melanie at April 4, 2005 8:53 AM