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August 11, 2003

A report on the realities
A report on the realities of a week in Ibiza during a Tour Package for the 18-30 set: wow, are those British kids gross. Puke everywhere, naked drunk people falling all over each other, clubs charging over $60 at the door... no wonder the island's government is trying to rebrand it as a family destination.
- "Packs of young men - bare-chested, drunk and singing football songs - are prowling for sex or a fight, preferably both. Others are being sick in the gutter, and vomit trickles down the sloping street. I spot a couple trying to have sex in a doorway, but both look too drunk to accomplish it. "I've already slept with four different blokes in a week," says Lindsey, 20, a leisure and tourism student from Bolton. "I love it here - you can do stuff you don't do at home. If I want to shag around, I can." Her friend, swaying and drooling over a piece of KFC chicken, chimes in: "You shag around at home too, you slag." Outside a British-style pub, a shaven-headed, tattooed youth has just been sick into a pint glass and his friends are trying to persuade another to drink it."
posted by amy at 11:23 AM | #