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August 13, 2003

Madonna, with her dumb Kabbalah
Madonna, with her dumb Kabbalah obsession is becoming like Nancy Reagan and astrology: "Guy Ritchie has been forced to rewrite his latest film because it had too many references to Kabbalah. Guy and Madonna are both devotees of the esoteric Jewish sect, but bosses at Sony were highly unimpressed when they found the script for Revolver was so influenced by its teachings." Sample dialogue:
Bloke: But it says 'ere in my bloody Torah that whatever any part lacks, also exists in the bleedin' Whole, and the bloody Whole feels the lack of the part wiv it, so mate, you should therefore pray for the needs of the Whole, awright?
Geezer: Yeah, 'at's right mate, but you gotta take into account, see, the Ritual of the Pentagram, wot promotes a still mind, free of outside influences. Or else how we gonna knock ova' 'at bank wot's in town.
[The pair stand facing east, clasp hands in center of their chests at the crossing point of horizontal and vertical lines of light, bow their heads and vibrate.]
Together: Le Olam, Amen. Forever, Amen.
posted by adm at 10:22 AM | #