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August 7, 2003


Michael Medved and David Horowitz,

Michael Medved and David Horowitz, both Jewish, have seen Mel Gibson's The Passion, and love it, despite rumors of the film's anti-Semitism. Here's Medved yesterday in an online chat we linked to in the Link Factory:

The controversy, meanwhile, centers on charges from people who have never seen any version of the film that it is anti-Semitic. Those charges are unfair and inappropriate, in my opinion...If the movie irresponsibly recycled old, poisonous accusations I believe that people of good faith would appropriately condemn it. It's obvious, however, that Mel Gibson has tried to avoid echoing ancient charges of deicide and has gone to some lengths to stress that Jesus and his disciples, as well as his primary accusers, were Jewish.
Also, he manages to squeeze in an attack on Gigli:
Tinseltown: Which is more offensive, "The Passion" as an offense towards Jews, or "Gigli" as an offense towards the filmgoing public?

Michael Medved: You know the answer to that. Gigli isn't just an offense to moviegoers-- it's a crime against humanity.

Good news for Mel, Catholics, Jews, and Jesus. Bad news for J. Lo and Ben.

posted by adm at 6:31 AM | #


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