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August 7, 2003

Barbara Ehrenreich discusses the controversy
Barbara Ehrenreich discusses the controversy her book Nickel and Dimed caused at UNC-Chapel Hill.
On July 10, a group of conservative UNC-CH students calling themselves Committee for a Better Carolina, held a press conference, along with a handful of rightwing state legislators, to denounce "Nickel and Dimed" as a "classic Marxist rant" and a work of "intellectual pornography with no redeeming characteristics." Fine, at least I could cling to the adjectives "classic" and "intellectual." But when I read the full page ad the Committee for a Better Carolina had taken out in the Raleigh News and Observer, I saw that this controversy was less about the book than it was about me. The ad charged me with being a Marxist, a socialist, an atheist, and a dedicated enemy of the American family [...] I was greeted on North Carolina radio talk shows by hosts asking, "What does it feel like to be the Antichrist in North Carolina?" and similarly challenging inquiries.
posted by adm at 6:02 AM | #