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August 2, 2003

NYT on a school in
NYT on a school in Brooklyn that trains kids, Jedi-style, to use their ESP. The Jedi master, in this case, is a Russian cab-driver. Sounds like things may not be entirely on the up-and-up, as you might suspect:
A blindfolded Natalia demonstrated her gift during a recent class the other night in her mother's Midwood apartment. As Mr. Komissarov flashed papers before her, Natalia uttered their colors "blue, red, yellow, green" with adolescent ennui, as though bored with being so blessed...But hers is a tightly circumscribed gift. Natalia performs only in the presence of Mr. Komissarov. She cannot "see" with, say, a bag over her head. Papers and books must be down and not at eye level. She also tilts her head while "seeing," leaving the impression that she is peeking through her custom-made blindfold.James Randi, famous debunker, is unmoved. (Here's the $1 million challenge the cab driver is hoping to win.)
posted by adm at 3:21 PM | #