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August 6, 2003

SF Chronicle reports that 17
SF Chronicle reports that 17 Starbucks shops there were vandalized the other night, but not by idle-minded teenagers:
[Stores were left with] windows clouded with glue, "For Lease" signs pasted on their facades and some of their locks jammed. The pranksters also posted a notice on faux Starbucks letterhead regretfully announcing the closure of "thousands of retail locations worldwide." The "message from the Starbucks Corporation," which company officials dismissed as fraudulent, turned Starbucks' highly touted social responsibility program on its head, saying its lofty goals "to promote a sustainable social, ecological, and economic model for the production and trade of coffee" had failed.More from a Google News search (which reveals that Saco, ME shops have also been vandalized).
posted by adm at 2:38 PM | #