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August 20, 2003
So, you probably noticed we
So, you probably noticed we emerged from the blackout with a new layout.
If the new layout doesn't look right on your screen, or you just want to give us some feedback on it, please let us know by posting a comment or emailing us, as some of you already have. The layout was designed using standard HTML and CSS and should look okay on any screen resolution at 800 x 600 or above. If you're using an old browser, you might want to upgrade it (Netscape/IE) so it will properly display more recent versions of HTML/CSS.
ps. Internet Explorer 6 is a 77mb download and sucks, while Mozilla Firebird is only 6.8mb and is great, so think about that before deciding which browser you want to use.
posted by adm at 5:53 PM | #