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August 21, 2003
We haven't been covering the
We haven't been covering the incessant media hype that has been going on about Thirteen, which opened yesterday, mainly because we were sick of that damn pierced-tongue ad on the NYT main page a week after it was first put up there, back when Clinton was President. But check out the flippant attitude with which the movie's co-star/co-writer Nikki Reed relates her parents' reactions to her screenplay and the movie: "My dad's only seen the movie once, and he won't see it anymore. My mom goes to every screening and sits through every one and cries every time, and gives me a hug after each one and says she's proud of me."
Reed originally intended to play the innocent girl who gets corrupted, but ended up cast as the bad influence popular girl.
posted by amy at 10:12 AM | #