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September 25, 2003

Arnold's Softer Side
Surreal Op-Ed piece by Maureen Dowd about her recent conversation with Arnold. They discuss whether or not he's a metrosexual, the Madonna-Britney VMA kiss, his two favorite actresses (Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep), and how black bodybuilders have problems with their calves (but he's not racist!) But by far the most inches are dedicated to what Arnold truly loves, shopping for his wife. He buys Maria blouses, dresses, suits, outfits, and jewelry, and is "95 percent on the money, with the size and with the style." Maybe he should just be a personal shopper at Barney's.
PLUS: CNN and E! cover his televised spectacle of a sort-of-mock debate, in which he arouses Arianna Huffington's feminist sensibilities, who was apparently not amused by her pal's jokes.
Update on Arnold's "Should women wear pants?" issue: Friend-of-the-'Bot Chrissy reports from California: "We saw Maria last night at headquarters (with 2 little Arnolds in tow), and she was indeed wearing pants. And driving the notorious Hummer!"