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September 25, 2003

Casting for the Stepford Wives
NYT on a casting call for the remake of The Stepford Wives that was wisely held in Fairfield County, Connecticut, where there are more than enough women who fit the bill. Like this one: "At 29, Anne Nolte of Weston, Conn., appeared to be a dead ringer for what was being sought. She is 5 feet 11 in flats, and was wearing a smart black cocktail dress and pink cashmere sweater that set off her dark blond hair, and had an Yves St. Laurent handbag casually slung over her arm. She left her husband, the investment banker, at home. She had never seen the movie or read the book but knew enough about the plot to take it in stride."
Some of these women are self-aware enough to realize that the Stepford Wives phenomena says more about men and their fantasies of servile, robotic women than it does about actual suburban housewives.
The book/movie that cause such a stir in the 1970's is being remade in a different time, but judging from some of the comments of today's real-life Stepford husbands ("If I was a multimillionaire, I'd be happy if my wife stayed home and worked out all day") I wonder how much things have really changed.