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September 3, 2003

John Sexton, the President of
John Sexton, the President of NYU, is moving to raise the quality of undergraduate teaching across the university [nyt]. He's already built up the Law School into the Top 5 nation-wide, and has made the Economics department a rival of Princeton and Stanford. One tactic he's taking is to persuade NYU's top graduate school professors to teach some undergrad classes. Adjunct professors currently teach a large majority of undergraduate classes, according to the adjuncts' union, and I can personally verify that over half of my graduate classes at NYU have been taught by adjuncts. Sexton apparently wants to sell this as an advantage, which could be a valid argument: adjuncts are often leaders in their professional field and have kept up with their industry, whereas full-time professors often get permanently stalled in the year in which they got their Ph.D, like one Contemporary Literature professor I know at a prestigious university who doesn't know who David Foster Wallace is.
posted by amy at 3:17 PM | #