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September 22, 2003

Just wait here in the car, honey...
We're generally not covering the Ben/J.Lo split, but we're making an exception for this tidbit, suggested by Whiskas. During their unsuccessful attempt at patching thing up this weekend, they were spotted at the mall, where Jennifer sat in the car while Ben shopped for a gun.
Also see the next bit: Uma's been seen around town with John Cusack. Wait, she used to be with John Cusack? She used to be married to Gary Oldman? Wow, I sure wasn't reading the papers in 1992. -amy
Yeah, Ames. Apparently John Cusack used to have a big thing for Uma that never really materialized/perpetuated in the way he wanted, but now he's getting a second chance. He must've gone over to her house with his boombox or something.
In my experience, the boombox thing only works some of the time. Like a maximum of maybe twice per girl. -adm
posted by amy at 3:17 PM | #